Reflecting on the power of place, home and away.
Posts tagged neighborhoods
The Lifecycle of Place
Living in Cleveland Park: A Florida Foodie Finds Home in DC
A Walk Back In Time Through DC's Chinatown
Race, Gentrification and the Keys to the Corridor
Destinations, Interviews, Shaw, Washington DCKate Gallerycities, dc, Howard University, neighborhood, neighborhoods, Shaw, urbanism, washington dc
Fluid Roots, Pacific Style
Interviews, The American West, OutdoorsKate Gallerycities, city, home, hometown, neighborhood, neighborhoods, Pacific, photography, Seattle
Haunted By History: Tom's Take on Washington
Destinations, Interviews, Washington DCKate Gallerycities, city, dc, history, local, neighborhood, neighborhoods, washington dc
Living in Anacostia: Nikki and Beth Discuss Anacostia's Creative Economy
Destinations, Interviews, Washington DCKate GalleryAnacostia, cities, city, dc, neighborhood, neighborhoods, urban, urbanism, washington dc
Saturday in Eastport
Hidden Beauty & Unnoticed Oddities
Winter in My Native Montreal
Canada, Destinations, The Original ProjectKate Gallerycities, city, hometown, local, Montreal, neighborhoods, Travel, urbanism, Westmount, Westmount Quebec
Perfectly Peregrine
Capitol Hill, The Original Project, Washington DCKate Gallerycapitol hill, city, coffee, dc, home, hometowns, local, neighborhood, neighborhoods, washington, washington dc
Neighborhood Nomad: Sara's Brooklyn Ballroom
Interviews, New York & New Eng..., The Original Project, Simple LivingKate Galleryapartment, baltimore, Big Apple, Brooklyn, cities, city, Gotham, home, hometowns, local, neighborhood, neighborhoods, New York City, NewYork, Prospect Park, urban, urbanism
Can You Keep Up With This City?
New York & New Eng..., The Original ProjectKate GalleryBig Apple, cities, city, Gotham, hometowns, local, Manhattan, neighborhood, neighborhoods, New York, New York City, Travel, urban, urbanism
Back to College: New York's Morningside Heights
New York & New Eng..., The Original ProjectKate Gallerycities, city, Columbia, Columbia University, hometowns, local, Manhattan, Morningside Heights, Morningside Park, neighborhood, neighborhoods, New York, urban, urbanism
Map of Mornings: New York's Union Square & Gramercy Park
New York & New Eng..., The Original ProjectKate Galleryapartments, Big Apple, cities, city, farmers market, Gotham, Gramercy Park, Greenmarket, home, hometowns, local, Manhattan, neighborhood, neighborhoods, New York, New York City, parks, Union Square, urban, urbanism
Coffee, Corduroy & Morning Fog
Destinations, The Original Project, Washington DC, Outdoors, Simple LivingKate GalleryAnacostia River, capitol hill, fog, home, hometowns, local, morning, neighborhoods, washington, washington dc
Sunday Football & The Third Place
Destinations, San Francisco, The Original Project, Washington DCKate GalleryBarracks Row, capitol hill, dc, football, hometowns, local, neighborhood, neighborhoods, Ray Oldenburg, San Francisco, Third place, washington, washington dc
Meet You Anytime You Want...
Destinations, The Original Project, Washington DCKate Gallerycapitol hill, capitol hill dc, dc, eastern market, food, hometowns, Italian cuisine, local, neighborhood, neighborhoods, Pasta, restaurants