Reflecting on the power of place, home and away.
Miles From Monday: Public Hotel
Miles From One Year Ago...
Destinations, The Original Project, Family TravelKate GalleryAnnapolis, baltimore, chicago, home, Manhattan, Montreal, neighborhood, New York, San Francisco, St- Louis, Toronto, Travel, washington dc
Those Hotels Down The Street
Destinations, The Original Project, Washington DCKate Gallerychicago, city, dc, hotels, neighborhood, neighborhoods, San Francisco, tourism, Travel, urbanism, washington, washington dc
Oh, Won't You Stay?
Destinations, The Original Project, Washington DC, The MidwestKate Gallerybarracks row dc, bike share, capitol hill dc, chicago, chicago architecture foundation, chicago marathon, chicago neighborhoods, chicago open house, lincoln park chicago, washington dc
Map of Mornings: Lincoln Park
The Enormity of a City
Sweet Home Chicago
The Plan: A Year Spent Traveling Through My Many Hometowns
Canada, Destinations, Maryland & Virginia, New York & New Eng..., San Francisco, The Original Project, Washington DC, Family Travel, The MidwestKate Gallerychicago, city, Greece, home, hometowns, Montreal, neighborhood, neighborhoods, New York, San Francisco, Travel, urban, urbanism, Virginia, washington dc