Map of Mornings: Eastern Market
July 30, 2011, Washington, DC: Mornings are my time. I’m more creative in the morning. It pains me to spend five mornings a week in the car commuting. By the time I get there, my energy is zapped. Good ideas have come and gone. Weekend mornings, you can imagine, are heaven. During DC summers, they’re also the best time to see the city. Especially by bike.
Here's Pound Coffee this morning, just around the corner. These chairs are never empty later in the day. Don’t they look lovely in the morning sun?
Eastern Market vendors were just setting up shop.
I could take a bite out of these tomatoes and I don't even like tomatoes much on their own.
Wrought iron stairs like these throughout the neighborhood make me swoon. I was so taken by them that I recently bought two wrought iron chairs for our rickety old deck. They're so heavy they might make it collapse.
I often daydream about ditching my car for a mint green scooter. (I see this one everywhere.) Or maybe a mint green beach cruiser. I could find a job closer to home. The only thing stopping me is trying to figure out how I'd transport my kayak.
I love how the morning sun hits this front yard on East Capitol.
And doesn't this place across the street from it remind you of Chicago? It could be Dayton Street just off of Armitage.
Summer mornings here are nice too because the sky is still blue. You can really tell at the far west boundary of my neighborhood against the white marble of stately buildings like the Supreme Court. Later in the day, it's so hot the sky turns white.
Not even children are up this early on Saturday. The popular Stanton Park playground is empty.
A few dogs are waking up, though...
...especially by the time I reach the eastern boundary of my neighborhood in DC's Lincoln Park. See the sky getting hazier?
This house below is for sale. It has all sorts of interesting angles and tiers of outdoor space. If I had a million dollars, I'd buy it and open and B&B. Then I could get that scooter.
Park Cafe is on my list of places to visit, but we'll save that for evening. Don't you love how you can see the Lincoln Park runners in the reflections on these windows? Can't you tell how hot it's getting?
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