The Color of Home


August 6, 2011, Washington, DC: If there's any one color that best represents home, I think it's yellow. The minute I added this yellow tea kettle to the stovetop (courtesy of my stylish aunt), our kitchen was transformed from outdated to retro. Yellow just works.

Yellow is a color that reminds me of the places I belong -- like among my dearest friends and relatives: the bridesmaids.

                                                                          Credit: Charlotte Elizabeth Photographer

It's a color that brings back images of my husband's fancy wedding tie.

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It is the color of old photographs...and new sunflowers.

It brings to mind those times when I love where I am, like floating in my kayak.

It's the color of fresh produce...

and lemonade on a hot summer afternoon...

                                                                              Credit: Charlotte Elizabeth Photographer

and a mom's touch.

                                                                               Credit: Charlotte Elizabeth Photographer

It's reminiscent of the sunsets and architecture we see traveling the world...

but also of returning home -- whether to a winter evening by the fireplace...

or to a long slow morning on a wide front porch.